
An autorefractor is an optometric device used to measure the refractive error of the eye. This technology uses infrared light to analyze the way light passes through the eye and produces an objective measurement of a person's refractive error, which includes the degree of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The results from an autorefractor are used by optometrists to determine a person's eyeglass prescription, which corrects their vision and helps them see more clearly.

One of the key advantages of using an autorefractor for these measurements is that it provides a quick, accurate, and objective measurement of a person's refractive error. By implementing this device, eye doctors have significantly reduced the time required for eye exams and improved the accuracy of the measurement. It is also a very helpful alternative for patients who have difficulty communicating or are unable to read the letters on a traditional eye chart.

The autorefractor technology has evolved over the years, with newer models incorporating advanced features such as wavefront analysis, which measures the way light travels through the eye's optics. This technology helps identify even the most subtle vision errors, and thus provides a more precise eyeglass prescription. Additionally, some autorefractors come with built-in autorefraction keratometry (ARK) technology that measures the curvature of the cornea. This is useful in identifying patients with corneal irregularities, such as keratoconus. Overall, the widespread adoption of this medical device has revolutionized the field of optometry and improved the quality of comprehensive eye exams